From the 19th of December 2020 till the 16th of May 2021 the exhibition 'Droogvis, slijk & Algipan®' takes place in the Venetian Galleries at the royal coastal city of Ostend. It is a tribute to extraordinary cyclocross champions.
An important part of the exhibition is what we could call the "Champions Hall of Fame'' about 16 world champions: 2 women and 14 men. Great champions like Eric and Roger De Vlaeminck, Albert Van Damme, Robert Vermeire and others such as today’s heroes Wout van Aert and Sanne Cant.
Curator Jelle Vermeersch also added the Dutch champions Mathieu van der Poel and Marianne Vos to this list of "Flemish masters of the cross”.
The photographic exhibition contains work of 6 top cycling photographers. Curator Jelle Vermeersch, also a renowned photographer, made a selection from more than 10.000 photos of a distant and a not-so-distant past.
Where possible there was chosen to use large prints, some up to 12 meters long and 4 meters high, to create the feeling you are right in the middle of a cyclocross race.
Not only beautiful archival material is being displayed, but also new work. Jelle Vermeersch himself made new portraits of the champions, as they are today. He visited them with a small bowl of mud and a paintbrush to splash their skin.
The exhibition mainly revolves around photos, but lovers of cycling materials can also see a few nice things such as world title bicycles and various champion jerseys.
Macmilano is very proud of the cooperation with the city of Ostend and curator Jelle Vermeersch. All bicycles of the champions in the exhibition are being showed on the Duettino.